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PrimeNet Assignment Work Types

PrimeNet assigns research work units of various types. These are listed in the table below.

Project WorkType ID Description Notes
GIMPSTF2trial factoringscreen for not-prime, assigned as factoring
GIMPSPM1-S3factor P-1 smallscreen for not-prime, assigned as factoring
GIMPSPM1-L4factor P-1 largescreen for not-prime, assigned as P-factoring
GIMPSECM5factor ECM smallscreen for not-prime, assigned as ECM
GIMPSPP16factor P+1screen for not-prime, assigned as P+1 factoring
GIMPSTF-LMH90trial factoring LMHscreen for not-prime, factoring to low limits
GIMPSPM1-R95factor P-1 redoscreen for not-prime, reassigned as P-factoring
GIMPSLL100LL first testprimality test, assigned as first LL test
GIMPSD101LL double-checkprimality test, assigned as LL verification
GIMPSPRP150PRP testprobable prime test, assigned as PRP test
GIMPSPRP-D151PRP double-checkprobable prime test, assigned as PRP verification
GIMPSPRP-CF160PRP cofactor testprobable prime test, assigned as PRP cofactor test
GIMPSPRP-CF-D161PRP cofactor test double-checkprobable prime test, assigned as PRP cofactor verification
GIMPSCERT200PRP proof certificationproof verification, assigned to reliable computers