Exponent Range: to+ above minimum exponent Output results in HTML format Output results in text-only format Output results in plain-text format Show full details (current assignment, history, LL residues) Include full ECM history (every "NF-ECM" result, slow) Include ancient history logs (1997-2007, slow) Include expired assignments Show software version in historyGet statusMnStatusDetails77232917Mersenne Prime! LLStatusDateUserResidueShiftVerified2017-12-26Jon Pace000000000000000028541548 HistoryDateUserTypeResult2017-12-26Jon PaceP-LLM77232917 is prime!2016-06-26-Anonymous-NFno factor from 2^74 to 2^752015-06-21TheJudgerNF-PM1B1=720000, B2=15120000, E=122015-06-17ChuckNFno factor from 2^73 to 2^742015-06-17ChuckNFno factor from 2^72 to 2^732014-01-08SMoffatNFno factor from 2^71 to 2^722012-12-29Florimond C.NFno factor from 2^70 to 2^712011-02-20Per JessenNFno factor from 2^69 to 2^702011-02-15Per JessenNFno factor from 2^68 to 2^692011-02-08subgeniusNFno factor from 2^67 to 2^682011-02-04subgeniusNFno factor from 2^66 to 2^672010-10-01arnaudNFno factor from 2^65 to 2^662008-10-27JohnHa0NFno factor to 2^65